Category Archives: Daily Life

I called my photographer buddy Rachael the Saturday before Easter, because I needed to get another headshot by Monday.  Thankfully, she could meet up in the morning and since we were getting together, we traded shots.  I have to say, Rachael took a great  headshot for me, I think it’s really “me.”  Rachael wanted to do a few ‘classic’ style images and had a few articles of clothing to help pull it together.  We didn’t shoot long, but managed to get some nice images.  Here’s a few!

Here’s a fun one of Rachael


Love this one…doesn’t she look like a classic beauty?


A little old school action…


Love her eyes and expression here…


This is one Rachael wanted and I have to say, two thumbs up!


Waiting for the train…


One last one.


And here’s the shot of me I mentioned…


Thanks Rachael and I hope your like your pics!

NOTE:  All of these images were shot on the D3 with either the 50 f/1.4G or the 85 f/1.8D and images: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 were shot wide open.

My good friend Kelly came into town on Saturday to meet with some clients, so naturally we had to get together.  Kelly is a photographer from the west side of the state and while we talk almost everyday, we don’t get to see one another much.  Kelly needed to get a few head shots as well, as us photographers always need fabulous pictures of ourselves.  I mean our clients can’t be the only ones getting all these great images 🙂  Needless to say, mother nature was mad at us and gave us nice light, but a very windy day.  Now if we were doing shots of me, it would be fine, as my hair can’t really blow in the wind, but Kelly’s most definitely could AND did.  We did manage to get a couple great pics and the all important headshot, so at least it wasn’t a total failure.

Kelly and I went to the Grizzly Peak for some yummy food and beverages  as well as Sweetwaters later on for some much needed coffee yumminess.  Thanks for coming out this way Kelly and trusting me with taking your pics…I’ll see you in a couple weeks!

Here’s  a few of the images…


Gotta love some train track action!



And here’s the shot we ended up with for her headshot…


For you photographers out there, I shot all of the images of Kelly with the Nikon 85 f/1.8.  I shot in Kelvin WB like I always do now and at 200 ISO.  I used to own the Nikon 85 f/1.4 (actually a couple times) and I have to say, the performance of the 85 f/1.8 shot wide open (pretty much the whole reason for the lens) is WAY better!  Pretty cool considereing the f/1.4 is $1200 and the f/1.8 is $450…yay for saving money and getting better quality!

It’s about time…my new website just launched about 15 minutes ago, so go check it out!  CLICK HERE! You’ll notice it is much different from my previous site and much more ME!  The images are full screen and the design is much sleeker.  Also, now my blog and website match and I’ll be able to keep the website up-to-date much easier.  Over the next week or two, I will be adding galleries to it, but there are already a few hundred images to check out.  I am very happy with how it turned out and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.





      Friday morning at about 2am I got back from Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada.  It was my first time there and boy was it a great first!  I was there for one of the largest photography conferences in the world.  I was helping my buddy Kenny Kim cover the entire conference…it was crazy.  We had another photographer, Kenny Nakai, who rocked out some images as well.  Both Kenny and Kenny are from Chicago, IL, so I was the lone MI photog.  It was such a great way to experience WPPI and Vegas and I’m not sure much else can come close for me over the years.  I met an amazing amount of awesome people and awesome photographers and partied a little bit like a rock star.  I totally get why people say Las Vegas never sleeps.

      The conference was hosted at the MGM Grand Conference Center and was such a great venue to host such a large conference.  I honestly could talk for hours about all the experiences I had and all the sweet people I had the opportunity to meet.  I want to thank Kenny for giving me this huge opportunity and also thank everyone with WPPI and all of the attendees for making this experience unforgettable.  BE SURE TO CHECK OUT KENNY’S BLOG FOR LOTS OF PICS AND MORE INFO!!!


Here we are!
